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letter writer 1.寫信者;書信代書人。2.尺牘。3.書信復寫器。


“ it had never crossed my mind up until that point that there might be doors closed to me simply because i was a girl , “ recalled the letter writer , better known today as sen . hillary rodham clinton , as she was enshrined saturday in the national women ' s hall of fame , along with nine other inductees 她回憶說: “那是我第一次意識到,因為我是一個女孩,有些機會可能就會與我無緣。 ”上周六,她和其他9位杰出女性一起入選美國國家女性名人堂。 “能夠在此體現女性在我們偉大國家歷史上所做出的巨大貢獻,我感到非常自豪。

It had never crossed my mind up until that point that there might be doors closed to me simply because i was a girl recalled the letter writer better known today as sen . hillary rodham clinton as she was enshrined saturday in the national women ' s hall of fame along with nine other inductees 克林頓。她回憶說: “那是我第一次意識到,因為我是一個女孩,有些機會可能就會與我無緣。 ”上周六,她和其他9位杰出女性一起入選美國國家女性名人堂。

Up until that point that there might be doors closed to me simply because i was a girl , “ recalled the letter writer , better known today as sen . hillary rodham clinton , as she was enshrined saturday in the national women ' s hall of fame , along with nine other inductees 她回憶說: “那是我第一次意識到,因為我是一個女孩,有些機會可能就會與我無緣。 ”上周六,她和其他9位杰出女性一起入選美國國家女性名人堂。

The gifts were presented in the party and the “ winning letter writer “ ( the little angel ) were awarded certificates for their care and concern to others 每一位參加小天使送暖行動的小朋友亦獲邀一同渡過愉快的圣誕。

Many letter writers feel they have to dress up ordinary words when they write 許多人寫信時認為需要對普通的詞修飾一番。